All of the links below are to evidence-based nutrition resources which have been developed by, or in collaboration with, UKVRN Registered Nutritionists (RNutrs) or Registered Associate Nutritionists (ANutrs).
We will be continually adding resources to this over time, so please do check back in and share these resources and this page/resource hub #AfNNutritionHub
Please remember portion control is important, especially if you are expending less energy than you usually do. This is particularly true for foods and drink that are energy dense, but low in beneficial nutrients like fibre or vitamins. Therefore these should only be consumed occasionally and in small amounts – even if they are homemade!
Please note – These resources are produced independently by Registrants & are not owned by the AfN.
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All Recipe Resources
Overnight Oats 5 ways:
Apple & Peanut Butter, Banana & Almond, Strawberries & Cream, Mixed Berry or Carrot Cake – great for adults and kids alike