Annual General Meetings

of the Association for Nutrition:

This will be an online event at 1.00pm on
Tuesday 12th December 2023

The AfN Honorary Secretary invites AfN UKVRN Registered Nutritionists and Registered Associate Nutritionists to attend and participate in the AGM, during which the Honorary Officers will present highlights from the last financial year.

The AGM will be followed by the AfN Annual Talk. This year this will be presented by Dr Bartek Buczkowski RNutr (Nutrition Science) FAfN.

Attendance of AGMs

UKVRN Registrants (RNutrs and ANutrs) with a fully paid up registration account on the day of the AGM may attend (details have been emailed to registrants on how to sign up).

This means attendance is open to all new Registrants who have joined within the year and those who have renewed their registration by their respective renewal date of 1st April or 1st October.

Individuals with lapsed or voluntary suspended registration are not eligible to attend the AGM until their registration has been reinstated. If you are in one of these two categories, you are welcome to contact the Registration Team to arrange attendance of the Annual Talk which will be held after our AGM.

Council/Trustee Elections

There are two positions available for election to AfN Council as Trustees for a term of office of three years, usually served from 1st Jan 2023 to 31st December 2025. When more than two nominations are received, a ballot is held of all AfN Registrants with a fully paid up registration account. AfN Elections are held using the single transferable vote system as stated within the AfN Governance Rules. The successful candidates will be duly elected at the 2022 AGM on 19th December 2022.

There are also three Honorary Officer positions available for terms beginning 1st Jan 2023. The positions are: Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary and Chair of Council. A ballot of Council Members is held for all eligible nominations for these position using the single transferable vote system, as stated within the AfN Governance Rules. The successful candidates are duly elected at the 2022 AGM on 19th December 2022.

Nomination forms for Trustees and Honorary Officers were made available to all registrants, with complete applications accepted until 9th October 2022 from RNutrs / ANutrs with a fully paid up registration account, no current practice sanctions nor subject to any ongoing FtP investigations.

Minutes and Recordings of AGMs

Where available, recordings of the AGM are located within the Registrants’ Area of the website. Minutes are uploaded shortly after they are ratified.