Search the Register
Please use our search facility if you:
- want to check whether your nutritionist is registered or
- wish to find a Registered Nutritionist in your local area.
You may use as little or as much information as you like. If a postcode is entered, the Nutritionists closest to you will be displayed first.

Registration number:
Registration status:
Registration category:
Services provided:
Areas of work:
Current Sanction
Current Sanction
Registration Categories
Registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr)
Have a minimum of an honours-degree level knowledge and understanding of the nutrition science competencies required for registration. An ANutr will be working towards transferring their registration to an RNutr status and works with professional support in place.
Registered Nutritionist (RNutr)
In addition to meeting the knowledge and understanding requirements of an ANutr. An RNutr has also demonstrated the consistent and independent application of nutrition science to their professional practice within a specialist area of competence and commitment to continual personal development.
All Registrants
All registrants (ANutr & RNutr) must uphold the AfN Standards of Ethics Conduct and Performance at all times.
From 1st July 2023, all registrants practicing in freelance or independent settings have additionally committed to upholding the newly introduced AfN Standards for Independent and Freelance Practice. Providing additional reassurance and confidence in the minimum standards that can be expected of those practicing in these settings.
Please Note
The Search the Register function is not to be used for commercial purposes, for example so as to obtain the details of Registrants to offer them any paid-for services such as the sale of products, services, listings or access to clients, nor for obtaining market segmentation data. By using the Search the Register function on this website you are confirming that you agree to abide by this term of use – failure to comply may be deemed as having breached regulations in regards to obtaining consent to obtain the individual’s details. If you are a commercial company, you may however use the Search the Register function to obtain contact details for a Registrant who you wish to approach with respect to a specific offer of work or consultancy, due to your need for nutrition expertise for example with nutrition claims, reformulation, workplace wellbeing etc.
Please note that we are only allowed to publish the details we have been given permission to by the registrant. Some registered Nutritionists’ details are not published at their request, therefore these individuals cannot be contacted for private consultations. The registration status of an individual claiming to be registered and not appearing on the online register can be confirmed by contacting the office directly.
If you are a registrant and wish to change the details available in the public domain, please contact us at
If there is an asterisk next to a Registrant’s name then a sanction has been applied against their registration and practice following an investigation. Please click here to read the sanction/s currently applied to the Registrant’s UKVRN registration.
If an individual wishes/needs to make a complaint or raise a concern about one of our Registrant, please see our concerns and complaints page on what we can investigate and how to submit a complaint/concern.