All of the links below are to evidence-based nutrition resources to help navigate away from misinformation, which have been developed by, or in collaboration with, UKVRN Registered Nutritionists (RNutrs) or Registered Associate Nutritionists (ANutrs).
We will be continually adding resources to this over time, so please do check back in and share these resources and this page/resource hub #AfNNutritionHub
Please note – These resources are produced independently by Registrants & are not owned by the AfN.
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5 Tips for Avoiding Nutrition Misinformation
Helpful information on how to avoid being caught in the spread of nutrition misinformation

Food, immunity and health: What you need to know
A helpful overview of the facts and tips to guide you through the cold and flu seasons by Jenny Rosborough RNutr, Head of Nutrition at Jamie Oliver

What can I eat to support my immune system
Separate the facts from the fiction on how nutrition can help keep you fighting fit
By Laura Wyness RNutr

Comfort Eating
Article by Holly Roper ANutr about removing anxieties, because the fact is changes to eating patterns or behaviours during times of stress and uncertainty are perfectly normal

The truth about low carbohydrate diets
An overview of what a low carbohydrate diet is and the positives and negatives of such a diet
By Daniel Clarke ANutr and Rebecca William RNutr
With so many of us at home and following advice to restrict our travel, UKVRN Registered Nutritionists (RNutrs) and Registered Associate Nutritionists (ANutrs) have put together some ideas for trying new things using things you are likely to have in the cupboard – so do also check out our other resource pages and take the AfN challenge and try one of the recipes and activities we have collated from across our registrants.