Post-doctorate in Strategies and Sustainable Innovation in the Food Sector
Stipend for Post-doctoral Studies From
Through external collaboration with Sparbanken Skåne’s Center for Sustainable Enterprising (SSCEN), the Stiftelsen för främjande av ekonomisk forskning vid Lunds Universitet advertises one stipend for post-doc studies at SSCEN, the Department of Business Administration, at the Lund University School of Economics and Management, with a focus on:
Strategies and Sustainable Innovation in the Food Sector
The food sector is subject to significant changes due to, among other things, the global drive towards more sustainable food and food supply chains. This is manifest in intensified innovation activities related to non-animal protein sources such as plants, fermentation, cells and upcycled food. These activities have spawned a wide range of new products that are more sustainable in multiple ways. However, as in most cases of innovation, market development is hampered both by supply side and demand side challenges. One such challenge emanates from the fact that food is a sensitive product category for consumers who are concerned about a range of issues: nutrition, health, taste, ecological footprint, and affordability, to name a few. Lack of knowledge among decision-makers and consumers, and widespread uncertainty makes it difficult for a market to form. In some cases, new products and technologies can even be perceived of as uncomfortable or dubious, and lack of knowledge might lead to rejection and stigmatization.
The postdoc will study how such food products with uncertain functionality and impact, along with uncertain supply chain origins, are marketed by producers and met by consumers, in a strategy theory framework that takes market uncertainty and customer preferences into account, for instance with a business model approach. The postdoc will be part of a larger, multi-disciplinary project on the ongoing transformation of the global food industry (within SSCEN but also Biotech Heights and Force).
The stipend amounts to SEK 360,000 per year for two years (1+1 years) and covers the cost of living. In addition, the stipend-holder receives SEK 40,000 per year to cover insurance costs and pension savings. The stipend-holder will be offered a study place at SSCEN, the Department of Business Administration at Lund University School of Economics and Management.
The application shall be submitted by email via the ‘Apply‘ button above no later than 2024-10-06. Applications should include CV, transcript of study records, a short research plan (maximum 3 pages, excl. references), and publications by the applicant (maximum 5 publications).
For further information about the stipend, please contact Professor Thomas Kalling on +46(0)46-222 46 38 or